Monday, April 21, 2008

Bye bye diapers!

I can't believe my 'baby' has been in big girl underwear with no accidents for 4 whole days! Potty training is right at the top of my list of 'biggest accomplishments' far anyway ;) Eva had her 3-year checkup today as well and the doctor thinks she is doing well. She is 29 pounds and 36 1/4 inches tall which puts her exactly in the 50th percentile.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well, the exciting news of the past couple of days is that Eva is progressing with the potty. We haven't jumped in with both feet just yet, but little by little we're getting there! Today she went back to school after a 2-week break. Though she didn't go potty at school, her teachers said that she did TRY very hard and sat there for a while. When we got home, she told me she needed to go poo-poo, pulled down her pants and jumped up on the potty and she went! I was very proud of her. I was inspired and felt brave, so we ventured out to Target (I put her in a pull-up as we're not quite ready for underwear out in public just yet). It was not a fun shopping experience, as every 2 minutes she asked me to use the potty ('I go poo poo, go to the bathroom!) Needless to say we spent more time in the Ladies room than in the store itself, and all times were false alarms. But hey, it's progress! As Papa Baker would say 'she'll get there!'

Saturday, April 12, 2008

How can this she really 3??

My little girl is growing she turned 3! Eva enjoyed a fun 'make believe' party with 15 of her friends at The Coffee Park.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Today was a great day, as I celebrated the big 33 with my little girl and her Auntie Missy, who came to town to visit!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Charlie's Birthday Party

Eva had a great time at Stevie B's today celebrating her little pal Charlie's 3rd birthday. Highlights of the party included holding pal Bella's hand and eating a dinosaur cupcake...