Saturday, March 24, 2012

At the pool

I saw claire and cara at the pool. The pool was inside. There were diveing bords. Me claire and cara didnt go on the diveing bords. claire and cara are my freinds. We went under water. I like the pool.

Monday, March 5, 2012

charile and lorelei com over

march 5 2012 One day charlie and lorelei came over to my house. It was fun. I have somthing i forgot to show you it is a bag that has lima beens in it and it smells bad. Miss stethanie is there mom and she was there to.Me charile and lorelei get along to gether. we are best friends. I like charile and lorelei.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

me getting molly.

december 14, 2011. My faverit chrismas gift i got was molly. She is a sweet dog. She is a cattle dog. She dosent bite. The first time we got molly i was scard. Did you no molly is my sister? when i wasent scard of molly she laid on her belly four me. I love molly.

At church.

on february 22 at church one time we got ashes. I fot it was cool. Ashes are croses that they put on your four head.

Febuary 29, 2012

Today I went on a feald trip. I touched a real snake . It was fun. They also have a gift shop. The place i went to on the feald trip was Chattahoochee Nature Center. The snake felt slipery soft and slimey. They had games at the gift shop.

I have psr today. PSR is where we pray. I kind of like psr. and i found a cool twig or stick. its probably somthig that dosent com out so often.

Eva's New Blog

Well, my sweet girl has been asking for a blog now for about a week. I figured we would transform our family blogspot - that we have not used in years - into the Diva's very own online journal :) I now turn over ownership to Miss Eva Viciana...enjoy!